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What's on at St Saviour's

Sunday 10am


Parish Eucharist with Children's Activities:

A Common Worship communion service with hymns and a sermon, followed by tea, coffee and biscuits.

Little Church takes place on the 1st Sunday of each month: special activities for under 5's and their carers.

Five times a year we have a Parade service with our uniformed organisations.

Thursday 10:30am

Said Eucharist:

A shorter said communion service with a brief homily.

Morning and Evening Prayer​


Common Worship Morning and Evening Prayer are said in church most days.


Morning Prayer: 9:30am Tue - Sat

Evening Prayer: 5:30pm Tue - Fri

Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals


We are always happy to discuss how we can help with weddings, baptisms and funerals.


Please contact us by email or the Church Mobile 07930 429392,

or come to the church one Saturday morning between 10:00 and 11:00, when the church is usually open and the Priest-in-Charge or a church warden is available.



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