Summer Concert Wednesday 19th July
Jan Rautio (piano) & Jane Gordon (violin) will be providing an hour of music followed by refreshments on the evening of Wednesday 19th July.
A Big Thank You!
A big Thank You to everyone, especially the 11th Forest Hill Scout Group, who supported the Summer Fair in anyway. We raised a grand...
Summer Fete! Only one week to go....
Hope to see you there!
Windrush 75th Anniversary Events
West Lewisham Deanery Serving God Together Southwark Diocese to host National Windrush 75th Anniversary Service. At Southwark Cathedral,...
Church Fete: Sunday 25th June 11.30am-3pm Save the Date!
Our annual joint summer fete with the Scout Group takes place on Sunday 25th June from 11:30am to 3pm. Please note the date in your...
Annual Parochial Church Meeting After the Service on Sunday 21st May 2023
Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held after the service on Sunday 21st May. This is an important opportunity for us to...
Save the Date: Thursday 18th May 2023
Save the date: Institution and Induction of Fr David as Vicar: on Thursday 18th May at 7pm. The service will be followed by a reception...
Pub Club Sunday 14th May, 7.30pm & The Blythe Hill Tavern
Come and have a pint with Fr David! All are most welcome.
Table Sale, Saturday 15th April 10am-2pm
Table Sale: next Saturday 15th April from 10am to 2pm. Please come along and support us. You can hire a table for £10 or help sell goods...
Easter Songs of Praise! Sunday 16th April @ 6pm
The next Songs of Praise service will be next Sunday 16th April at 6pm. Do come along! If there is a particular hymn you'd like to sing...